Saturday 24 March 2012

Is Jesus a pagan?

IS JESUS A PAGAN? Chocolate Easter!!

Who is Jesus? And who killed him?

It is all very complicated stuff, some people say the Romans killed Jesus, some say the Jews and some will say it was the Romans takeover of the Jews. In Synoptic Gospels various supernatural events occurred around the time of Jesus death..."what’s occurring?" That there was earthquakes and darkness, the gods went nuts at the crucifixion of this man. Christians have traditionally understood Jesus death on the cross to be knowing and willing sacrifice. Is this true? Or did he die with honour and dignity that he knew he couldn’t fight the Roman Solider now that they thought he was the ‘King of the Jews’ This man could have just thought fuck this, its game over... i am stuffed no point, get this death over soon as, the wait is killing me!
So that leaves me questioning...

Could it not be Jesus was a pagan? A spiritual man who wanted to spread the message of oneness, to love. What makes me wonder is why the Romans would kill a fellow Christian? If in fact he was a Christian and not a Jew. Or worship him if he was a Jew and not a Christian? Emperor Constantine took steps to spread the Christian faith and then Emperor Theodosius made Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire. So first they kill Jesus then they decide hang on a minute ‘yer we kind of fucked up, sticking this geezer on a cross...shit... Let us repent our sins and now follow him’. To the Romans religion was not a spiritual practice but rather a contractual one that was used to control people .Mmm... Where is the free will?

Roman Peasants (pagan means peasant) celebrate the natural cycles of our world around. Simply abound with the Gods and the spirits. A multitude of festivals were held to appease the Gods. The beginnings of Christianity are very blurry. No one really knows as far as historical fact is concerned, even the birth of Jesus himself is uncertain most celebrated events Christmas and Easter occurred long before the Roman Empire forced the Christianity label...

So as we come to this time of year new beginning fresh hope, time to plants the seeds of new beginning also the beginning of When Julies Cesar established his calendar in 45 BC, he set March 25 as the spring equinox. Between the 4th and 16th centuries, the calendar drifted with respect to the equinox, such that the equinox began occurring on about March 21st.

So is Easter a celebration of our planets revolving to bring us lighter days or is this time about to tell our kids a load of bullshit of contradiction and stuff chocolate bunnies in there fat faces.. This is the day Jesus died. What kid at 4 or 5 years old gives a crap whom Jesus really is? All they give a shit about is when they can scoff that Easter eggs...Children are moulded with a smarty egg. How very Delicious.

Love Peace and Happiness


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