Wednesday 11 February 2015

Mind Invasion

Bizzare Activity...

I burst into tears. I don’t feel grief stricken or panicked yet have an
overwhelming feeling that I am about to loose something. I
wonder what it is. What I am holding on too, that keeps me locked in
stagnation, what is preventing me from cutting looses. What is it I
need to let go of.? I’ve been stripped down to the core, naked and
exposed..No secrets left to reveal...
My mind is getting invaded.: Images flashes into my mind. I am a
teenager again, in my present life, at the fairground. Spinning on
the walsers. I see his face, his blue eyes, his smile. My first crush, My
first love. Two shy awkward teenagers. Our one night together before
tragedy struck, and his life was to alter. I never saw him again. But he
is always in my dream. When he died I was sectioned. We slipped
into the darkness, the pit of the shit. We went to the bottom before
we reached the light. My body seems to go into a trance like state...
I am in another place, a different life. I see a young couple, about to
be dragged out of bed by two men, the image wasn’t clear. Is that me
or someone else.? Or someone who looks like me?! My
subconscious mind has now become on the edge of normal and para
normal. I am in a waking nightmare, I am confused .. Am I
experiencing a past life flashback or psychic attack?
There are people all around me pulling me, grabbing me. My wrists
are tied and ankles are shacked. People are marching, shouting,
chanting, screaming, voices from the distant echoing through the
silence of my living room walls .
At the front of the line the ia a male, he is wearing a mitre, he is
being carried on a sedan chair,. I look at the males who walk at his
side, one at each foot. It makes no sense, I recognise both their
faces from this life. My present.. I fell in love with the one on the left
hand side.Our short time together, the high speed train journey, the
lies, the deceit, For he told me lies, was I not worth the truth? Then
when we crashed, we both suffered the consequence of destruction.
I turned into ice, he turned to herion.
Why are they in my past?
Is it my past or some crazy head fuck ? A false image, a distorted
perception of a different life. Why are they there?
I struggle to stop my body shaking, as vivid images, memories,
visions, scenes, flash like snap shots entering in and out of my mind.
I am walking to my death..I am tied to a cross...
I see a male in the crowd, he is stood alone, with his hood pulled up, I
catch his gaze, he looks familiar, but I do not recognise him from
my present life. Who are you? I see another male with blonde
hair,drinking and laughing. Flames start to rise, past my ankles,
above my knees, rising higher. The crowd is singing and dancing.
I watch as my soul appears out of the flames and enter, straight into
the heart of the Sun. I disappear..
Days and nights had roll over., Now, I am left wondering...What the
frig happened there? Solitary, surrounded by the enemy.. Shape
shifters, beings, ghosts. I am stuck in a psychological romance with
a faint voice and a feuding war with another. A rejection from
heaven and a battle with hell. Which one do I need to remove.? Why
are we tied together?
My stomach makes disturbing growling noises.. What is going mixed up mind already trying to comprehend what things
mean, if they mean any thing at all.
I seem to have an unwanted attachments, I wonder if he or she or
they are poltergeists or souls, beings , I have considered the thought
of alien life or a human soul surfer. Who ever they are, where ever
they are from, they are called the unwanted guest. Body Invaders.
Quite a few use the name Grim, or they will use a family members
name or pretend to be a god or a angel.
Are they trying to fuck with my mind, so I never get confused I have
associated each voice with the name given to me by them. I have seen
some weird shit, that I cannot believe myself. but unlike my Grim
(who I am still not quite sure to who he is Faith and Trust.. Silence
is golden, but my eyes still see, the love and light once said to me).
All the other grim are just filthy pieces of shit, con men of the
spiritual world, a spiritual pest. dirty, smelly, perverted, the
underworld vile.
Questions run through my mind as I search to find logical answers.
Yet I cannot find logic in the unexplainable shit that happens. How
things unfold and come to light. Yet some things I think, I didn’t see
that coming. I constantly question my environment. The weirdness
that takes place around me. I pray under the sun, sat on earth, talking
to the ocean...I listen to the thunder, the wind and the rain. I sing to
the moon, much to my neighbours annoyance.
I am like a yo-yo, high - low, light - dark- bouncing on a spiritual
journey of different worlds, Captivated by the presence of the hidden
face. The one I have yet to meet, But then he could have stood out
side my window...I cannot make sense of what is happening to me.
Or why all those males invade my space, who all have the same first
name are appearing in my mind. Have I lived before?
I see heads everywhere,

Amy Maiden

Friday 6 February 2015

'The Dying Gaul'

I am stuck in a triangle,caught in a trap. I have fallen in love with a underworld guy..A
fallen angel, The opposer, everything that I read about him tells me to stay away. Yet
something inside my heart, my soul, lures me deeper in wonder. I am curious, mystified,
intrigued. Yet at the same time I am confused to who he is...where is he from?
Who is who?
One has got brown eyes, one has got blue. Yet there are so many handsome faces I have
seen, who all use the same name. One has be careful of the cheeky chancer,
the conman, the theif and those who tell lies and come in deciet, when your in the soul
rescue game.
Both from the other side. A different dimension. I don’t want to be a wife of the living
dead but i am unable to get this male out of my head, or from under my skin..figuratively
not literally.
When the others jump on me and enter my flesh it disgusts me, the feeling of it slivering
through my body, running through my blood, makes me flip into a frenzied rage of curses
and mind goes into the dark space where souls are now being written out of
the book of life..
Our Paths have crossed on occasions, where I have been dragged down to the dark
streets of the underworld.
He never shows his face, he wears a dark hood, it used to be an old
cloak but over the past few years modern man must have had an impact on him, for last
time we collided , he had changed his clothing style, became a modern man, he was
wearing a hoody...He tells me that he his dead, he was murdered and that he is a pagan.
I am a Pagan, always have been always will...I am underworld,. He makes me laugh. He
always sits outside my house, when he visits. When I am in connected to my highest form,
my very own star, my essence, my higher self, fighting the enemy, he prefers to stay
outside the area. I can here his voice in the distance. It is his light that captures me. He
seems to shine in the dark pit. Where the rats run and the smell is vile... I call him
Grim..not because he is grim, but because it is fucking grim down there, down in the lower
vibrations of the underworld.
Where it is full of the wicked and evil, the place before the drop into the lowest level,
the level where there is no return. Hell.
I hear the words man on earth, and I wonder what it means.
My heads spins into a flurry of emotions... then I  remember the quite one, the one
who hardly speaks, who never swears...Who is who? I can hear the ultimatums Michael
or Grim..Grim I reply, My man in the moon. Not quite knowing who my Grim is but
knowing i do not like Michael or whoever arrived at my home one night claiming to be
Angel Michael.
The answers are in the bible, is the message I hear.
Who is who...are there two? Is there a third? Is one alive on Earth, with a telepathic link?
The thought of a living, breathing, human soul mate seems far more appealing than being
claimed by the unknown from another world.
I watch the book of Enoch on you tube, directed by Troy Smith. And then the book of job.
Everything is upside down and back to front.
I seem to be hypnotised, mesmerised even to the point of infatuated. He sings on my roof,
he is an enemy of Angle Michael. I wonder if it is Satan. I then wonder if Satan is also
And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison.. King
James Version.
I am left feeling confused. Where in the bible does it say that Satan changed into a serpent?
Genesis just refers to a serpent. it was the Christians who made Satan the devil and god's adversary. in the old testament ha-Satan, the accuser, was one of god's servants...and also tells how he was the most hansom of Angels..

‘The dying Gaul’..

.Amy Maiden

Thursday 5 February 2015

Satans Bitch,,,

I feel grotty, grubby, unclean, after my visit from Hades and his entourage. A mixture of hell workers, hell raisers, the tormented, the wicked, the suicide or the lost soul. In a quest to save innocent life from being sucked into the pit of  darkness i constantly have one foot in the dark, my foot firlmy planted like giants roots into the core of hell.  My home seems filthy, the constant spiritual warfare that takes place has left my brain frazzled. I am left with the aftermath, even though the underworld have now left, timed out, the putrid smell still lingers around my house.

The midday sun is now shining brightly through my living room window, showing the
marks, the footprint of beings who were in my home.
I have prayed to every God and every angel to test and check who arrives, in my bid to escape the claws of what or who is holding me in the pit of the shit. I was alone. Trapped with the dark tormented souls who cause misery pain and hardship. I have met many entities, fake Gods and Angels who have arrived, claiming to be something they are not, who have all wanted something from me, sex ,marriage power of control. I have rules i insist on, and the rule is... do not touch me!
These words can sometimes fall on deaf ears.

A woman has to be careful who she allows into her home. I wouldn’t invite a stranger
into my home, ghosts, beings or souls are not a exception to the rule, they are still
strangers and should not be invited in, not without fully understanding the risk of what
can arrive nor should they be given immediate trust. The average ghost comes from the
lower vibrations and these dirty pests come in without an invite. Getting rid of the bottom
crawler can be a nightmare in its self.
I cannot understand why woman or men would want to participate in sexual activities
with the unknown, in astral projection or lucid dreaming. Maybe because i just do not trust.
To me it doesn’t seem right,
How do you know who they are, or where they have come from. There is a whole
universe out there, full of spiritual dimensions, different levels, different planes. The good
beings will respect my wishes, the bad ghosts pay no attention at all, whenever i insist i
don’t like something, the more they persist in doing it, just to annoy the shit out of me.
Balik, is here with me today, who i love with my heart and soul, then hate with the same
passion. I most defiantly have a love hate relationship with him. It was quite a strange
experience when i first saw his face, his head was covered in a Hijab. A piece of cloth
over his head. Oh you’re a muslim, were the first words that popped out of my mouth.
His head bowed as if in agreement. I don’t like the muslim faith, how will that work? i
smiled, will we get along?
What do you wear that on your head for,? i asked him. The heat, he replied. Oh right then,
was all i could manage to say. He calls me his Sun. I call him my angel. I am not a angel,
balik tells me, but i like being your angel, for you are the Sun, the star, the child. He can
be ruthlessly strict. He has been in my life since the day i was born. I grew up surrounded
by his presence. I had just never seen him, not until I was an adult. He is my guardian,
my father, or the father i have never had. First i was not allowed to be love and light for
I am a pagan. I fought, I won. I am love and light, but i am not sit back and take it. I will
condemn you. I give a person a few chance, i can only offer so much sympathy, i
understand about hardship but if a person doesn’t want to help themselves or change their
own situation, then i also will cease to care. I will fight for innocent souls for a chance to
redeem themselves. My choice i have been left with after my visit from hades, is do i
want a God as a father or soul mate. I laugh, I have become my own god in my world, the
girl of divinity!
I see a picture representing Jesus, his brown eyes, his long brown hair, his beard and ask,
who are you? where are you? He looks like Satan. Marcus Sanatanuis...i don’t know
why.i thought that, as I am unsure who Marcus is. Someone i have yet to meet in this
lifetime, yet i see him in my dreams, passed him on my travels through other worlds. I
call him sate.
I can feel energy touching me, penetrating into my shoulder. Get off me i don’t like it, i
complain. I carrying on complaining like a child. Then i flip into a frenzy, talk in tongues,
command and demand, although i have been taught never to command and demand, i
ignore that rule when it suits me. I feel to exhausted to clean, i am to tired to take a bath,
fighting the underworld is gruelling. I am surrounded by the enemy.
I catch a glimpse of Sate, a past memory, of a past life, his handsome face, his long hair,
his overgrown beard, I hear the haggle of voice in the distant background...Satans bitch...
I will never be his bitch, i snap only ever his wife!
This makes no sense to me, as i have never been married! And i could never love a evil
My head spins...
I remember the words spoken down the lines, in a cockney London accent..I love her, I
will always love her. Cos she’s the sun...
Although i smile i could burst into tears..I want freedom..

Bleeding Flesh...

Knowing Balik was here last night, although i know he is never really far away. I reverted
back to becoming a child. That is it, I said... I've had enough... I’m done.Five deaths in the last few
weeks and although I wasn’t friends with, nor did I have any direct connection to with
those who have now departed, I have helped them through, passed on messages to those
still here. In a mixed up muddle of who...
I‘ve got a sore neck, pain under my right arm...both knees feel achy. stomach heavy,.A heavy burden.
You have been in my thoughts all weekend, I am not sure why, I was being polite..for the sake of others..I am
just the messenger that link us to the other side..
I am being pulled from the light into the dark..back and forth. I am not upset, but someone is...
Its not about you, its not about me, not right now anyway...the air is cold.
The flow of energy shifts at the different vibrations as it rises and sinks...The wind is roaring, the rain crashing
against my window.
I am happy in my life, so it must be coming from you, or maybe someone around you, who's part of your life.
I have been told i am a medium by some, a rescue worker by others, I’ve been classed and labelled as
being a nutter, people call me a witch...A misconception of who I am.
She is mad, How they called me names behind my back. They placed a curse on me...A moment of
madness or vicious attack.?
Is it to late to stop it, or will it reverse, you see one should never place a nasty curse, on another.
And what am I trying to do. Its not my intentions to upset you..You see all weekend, I’ve had different
messages coming through, For various people, Some I have given comfort, others might be puzzled,
confused. Yet they know in my heart, my intentions are true..
The wind sounds like waves crashing against my window,
Questions racing threw my mind. Have I done the right thing, Have I sent the letter to the right person, got
the message right? It was all a little bit muddled, my mind is still confused! What if they don’t want to hear
a message, then again, what if they do.
Have i not done everything that you have asked me to do, passed on the messages that come through
being woken up to get a message out, created concerns from my family, been shouted at, old lady with a
walking stick.. Who are you?
I get worried i might upset people. I don not want to hurt anyone with jumbled words or make it worse for
The energy level reduces, activity seems a little calmer, less frantic, ,,Spiritual beings all around. holding
hands with loved ones, to travel the journey to the other side..
I had experienced all kinds of bizzare symptoms, had flash memories that did not belong
to me.
Feeling safe in my surrounding, knowing Hades has left, I ditched the cleaning and I went
to bed. I slept all night for the first time in weeks. If you could call waking up at the break
of dawn all night. My dreams bounced around through different worlds, in a different
I was ordering food in a cafe, yet there was no kitchen area that I could see, I saw an old
acquaintance, a friend of a friend, who was with another young woman approach the door.
I could hear them talking about their day in college. I went over to them, to say hello. She
did not see me, neither of them did. I spoke louder but they carried on with their
conversation oblivious to my presence. My skin started to bleed, i am being cut, deep cuts
were appearing all over my body, an invisable knife peircing at my flesh, over and over. Blood dripping
down my body into nothingness.
I am being attacked.

Amy Maiden

Tuesday 3 February 2015

Talking with the devil...

I am the Sun... I am love and light...
So therefore, i am the Moon, the Earth, the Land and the Sea.
I am a pagan. the universal child, that is me. I am a mother, I am not a sinner nor a saint. I drink black coffee and patiently wait, for your arrival.
When the portal opens and the light shines through, it’s only a matter of time before you come to.

I had met the devil in the underworld one night. I jumped in to rescue a child. I had gone to sleep and when i woke, i spotted a gold name plate on my living room floor.  Emily. I saw her face, i could hear her tears, in every waking moment, she consumed my dreams. I’m coming to find you, i wont let you go. I reassured her. I got dragged into darkness with the lowest of the low. I searched everywhere, I ,along with my highest guides, we jumped in the underworld night after night, until i found her, her little body torn and bruised. I pulled her into my arms. Then all of a sudden a light appeared, her little face looked at me..The angles are here, you are safe now. I kissed her gently, her face lit up as she crossed into the light. I saw the look of love as she smiled goodbye. I started to cry. First i was over joyed that i had found her. Then the anger come. It flooded over me like an raging ocean. I screamed so loud, that the neighbours complained.

How many more are trapped in the dark?. The thought of this pulled on my heart.
They belong to the light, not in hell.
The devil followed me home that night, a war began with the dirty underworld, my battle with hell. So i have come to know the demons well. They care nothing for religion or the colour of your skin, wither you are rich or poor, woman or man.

My pending meeting with the devil, will it be Lucifer or Hades...I have my argument prepared. I know the words to say.
As you arrive from the underworld, the temperature drops, there is a cold chill in the air. You have come to claim possession of a soul.
Who goes to heaven? Who goes to hell? Who goes into rebirth, to have chance of life again?

Hades arrives, one the underworld leaders, he will try and tempt you, offer you riches, diamonds and pearls, you have to be strong, if you want to resist the clutches of this man. His entourage shadow him, they want you on their team. They will bully you, they will not leave you alone, they will taunt you, invade your dreams, invade your home. If they want you, they will get into your head, make your life a misery, fill you with depression, fear and blame, they will suggest suicide. Do not give in, have nothing to fear, they will play upon your guilt, if you have anything to be guilty of and even if you haven’t, they will get inside you, rip you apart, in an attempt to suck you into the dark. They want your soul but cannot claim it, not without your permission anyway. You have to stay strong, know that love will never leave you alone.

Tonight it is Hades he is wearing a white hat, a white suit, pristine. Look at you dressed in white,  are you trying to look like an angel? I say with a smile. Have you become love and light?
Fuck off , is his reply. He smiles
We talk for hours, we debate..
I wonder if he is a demon or an angel in disguise. Undercover. He leaves as morning light approaches, he gives me a wink and tells me to stay in the light...but then again he could never get me to stray

Monday 2 February 2015

a love not meant to be...

Love not meant to be

She thought about him all the time,His alluring eyes, his beautiful smile 
That lit up his face ...handsome was he, She thought about the possibilities, 
that could have been..But was not meant to be..
How their lives had changed in the years spent apart
Yet she still loved him, deep down in her heart,
She always would, 
Yet she knew that it was not meant to be..
 Their love was lustful, young, full of desire..
The passionate love making,the burning fire. 
Yet their love was not meant to be.
The lies, the anger. the tears... It took her many years to see ...
Their love was never meant to be
She cried at night withdrew from life
Gave up on love...
Her heartbreak turned her flame into ice,
She became cruel in love, bitter 
Lost in an illusion...that love was meant only for the foolish..
For her love was not meant to be..
Her childhood dreams, where had they gone
Her life was empty ...lonely ... As time passed on
She struggled with her demons, fought with the devil at times
As She Yearned for love to return back into her life..
Only then could she melt her ice.. 
And return the laughter back in her eyes, the smile upon her face.
He then appeared back into her life
Still as hansom with alluring eyes, he filled her heart with warmth and delight..
But Somewhere over the course of the years 
when she let go of the anger, had run out of tears
Something changed...A transformation ..She had let him go ...let him go free
Sometimes love is just not meant to be
And with it released herself from her very own hell
She is no longer trapped in a prison or trapped in cell
No longer Bitter in love, she embraces it now
For she learnt how to love, she learnt from the pain
She knows their love will never be the same.
As it was many years before... A love that is not meant tt be.

The Man in the Moon

Someones coming through, He winks at me, flashes a smile, his blue eyes sparkle he is stood in the light, he still walks with a limp, whilst singing his song...'.What do you want' i ask with a grin.
I hear the doors .Love me two times baby..Love me twice today..'Arhh you've stopped sulliking' i laugh at him. He always leaves when you come back in my life. He wonders around, his hair is long, his beard overgrown, his head looking down , he meets my gaze, .his smile fades, he carrys on singing, but a diffrent tune..'don't ya make my brown eyes blue....' 'his eyes are brown, your eyes are blue' i state, confused. He smiles...
Caught in a triangle! 'oh not me, spider web and it's me in the middle'..he is singing in riddles...he talks back to front...
Your the connection, you are the link....
Keep your thought positive.let go of the guilt, The moon is Full tonight..
Stay with me, Stay in the light...
heart emoticon.
The Moon, brightly lit, keeping me transfixed in thought. My prince in times of darkness, my guide towards the light. The Sun by day The Moon by night.
My man in the moon is here, One of my most highest guide, Star crossed lovers, that sounds alright..from another life, another world. I see a young girl in a picture, a group of three, ,don't listen to the rumours!' comes to me, A couple, sometimes its been tough, you stayed with your heart, he is your soul mate, you have that special love..Telepathic links, to the outside world..
My house feesl like it's moving with high energy viibrations, a gentle rock, a breeze on my skin, a feeling of love.. absorbing the light, the energy, getting high on the spirit of life, wanting to throw it have some love and light, don't let fear get on your couch tonight.
'And what i have done to deserve a vist from you?', i say cheekily as he enters the room, If i could smile a thousand smiles at once, i would be doing it right now 'Happy Imbolic' ....'Thank you', i reply .'I was in bed, it's the middle of the night', Birds are chirping outside my window, the moon light shining through.
..whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
Mark 11:24 - Belief - Faith - Bible Quotes
heart emoticon