Thursday 5 February 2015

Satans Bitch,,,

I feel grotty, grubby, unclean, after my visit from Hades and his entourage. A mixture of hell workers, hell raisers, the tormented, the wicked, the suicide or the lost soul. In a quest to save innocent life from being sucked into the pit of  darkness i constantly have one foot in the dark, my foot firlmy planted like giants roots into the core of hell.  My home seems filthy, the constant spiritual warfare that takes place has left my brain frazzled. I am left with the aftermath, even though the underworld have now left, timed out, the putrid smell still lingers around my house.

The midday sun is now shining brightly through my living room window, showing the
marks, the footprint of beings who were in my home.
I have prayed to every God and every angel to test and check who arrives, in my bid to escape the claws of what or who is holding me in the pit of the shit. I was alone. Trapped with the dark tormented souls who cause misery pain and hardship. I have met many entities, fake Gods and Angels who have arrived, claiming to be something they are not, who have all wanted something from me, sex ,marriage power of control. I have rules i insist on, and the rule is... do not touch me!
These words can sometimes fall on deaf ears.

A woman has to be careful who she allows into her home. I wouldn’t invite a stranger
into my home, ghosts, beings or souls are not a exception to the rule, they are still
strangers and should not be invited in, not without fully understanding the risk of what
can arrive nor should they be given immediate trust. The average ghost comes from the
lower vibrations and these dirty pests come in without an invite. Getting rid of the bottom
crawler can be a nightmare in its self.
I cannot understand why woman or men would want to participate in sexual activities
with the unknown, in astral projection or lucid dreaming. Maybe because i just do not trust.
To me it doesn’t seem right,
How do you know who they are, or where they have come from. There is a whole
universe out there, full of spiritual dimensions, different levels, different planes. The good
beings will respect my wishes, the bad ghosts pay no attention at all, whenever i insist i
don’t like something, the more they persist in doing it, just to annoy the shit out of me.
Balik, is here with me today, who i love with my heart and soul, then hate with the same
passion. I most defiantly have a love hate relationship with him. It was quite a strange
experience when i first saw his face, his head was covered in a Hijab. A piece of cloth
over his head. Oh you’re a muslim, were the first words that popped out of my mouth.
His head bowed as if in agreement. I don’t like the muslim faith, how will that work? i
smiled, will we get along?
What do you wear that on your head for,? i asked him. The heat, he replied. Oh right then,
was all i could manage to say. He calls me his Sun. I call him my angel. I am not a angel,
balik tells me, but i like being your angel, for you are the Sun, the star, the child. He can
be ruthlessly strict. He has been in my life since the day i was born. I grew up surrounded
by his presence. I had just never seen him, not until I was an adult. He is my guardian,
my father, or the father i have never had. First i was not allowed to be love and light for
I am a pagan. I fought, I won. I am love and light, but i am not sit back and take it. I will
condemn you. I give a person a few chance, i can only offer so much sympathy, i
understand about hardship but if a person doesn’t want to help themselves or change their
own situation, then i also will cease to care. I will fight for innocent souls for a chance to
redeem themselves. My choice i have been left with after my visit from hades, is do i
want a God as a father or soul mate. I laugh, I have become my own god in my world, the
girl of divinity!
I see a picture representing Jesus, his brown eyes, his long brown hair, his beard and ask,
who are you? where are you? He looks like Satan. Marcus Sanatanuis...i don’t know
why.i thought that, as I am unsure who Marcus is. Someone i have yet to meet in this
lifetime, yet i see him in my dreams, passed him on my travels through other worlds. I
call him sate.
I can feel energy touching me, penetrating into my shoulder. Get off me i don’t like it, i
complain. I carrying on complaining like a child. Then i flip into a frenzy, talk in tongues,
command and demand, although i have been taught never to command and demand, i
ignore that rule when it suits me. I feel to exhausted to clean, i am to tired to take a bath,
fighting the underworld is gruelling. I am surrounded by the enemy.
I catch a glimpse of Sate, a past memory, of a past life, his handsome face, his long hair,
his overgrown beard, I hear the haggle of voice in the distant background...Satans bitch...
I will never be his bitch, i snap only ever his wife!
This makes no sense to me, as i have never been married! And i could never love a evil
My head spins...
I remember the words spoken down the lines, in a cockney London accent..I love her, I
will always love her. Cos she’s the sun...
Although i smile i could burst into tears..I want freedom..

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