Wednesday 11 February 2015

Mind Invasion

Bizzare Activity...

I burst into tears. I don’t feel grief stricken or panicked yet have an
overwhelming feeling that I am about to loose something. I
wonder what it is. What I am holding on too, that keeps me locked in
stagnation, what is preventing me from cutting looses. What is it I
need to let go of.? I’ve been stripped down to the core, naked and
exposed..No secrets left to reveal...
My mind is getting invaded.: Images flashes into my mind. I am a
teenager again, in my present life, at the fairground. Spinning on
the walsers. I see his face, his blue eyes, his smile. My first crush, My
first love. Two shy awkward teenagers. Our one night together before
tragedy struck, and his life was to alter. I never saw him again. But he
is always in my dream. When he died I was sectioned. We slipped
into the darkness, the pit of the shit. We went to the bottom before
we reached the light. My body seems to go into a trance like state...
I am in another place, a different life. I see a young couple, about to
be dragged out of bed by two men, the image wasn’t clear. Is that me
or someone else.? Or someone who looks like me?! My
subconscious mind has now become on the edge of normal and para
normal. I am in a waking nightmare, I am confused .. Am I
experiencing a past life flashback or psychic attack?
There are people all around me pulling me, grabbing me. My wrists
are tied and ankles are shacked. People are marching, shouting,
chanting, screaming, voices from the distant echoing through the
silence of my living room walls .
At the front of the line the ia a male, he is wearing a mitre, he is
being carried on a sedan chair,. I look at the males who walk at his
side, one at each foot. It makes no sense, I recognise both their
faces from this life. My present.. I fell in love with the one on the left
hand side.Our short time together, the high speed train journey, the
lies, the deceit, For he told me lies, was I not worth the truth? Then
when we crashed, we both suffered the consequence of destruction.
I turned into ice, he turned to herion.
Why are they in my past?
Is it my past or some crazy head fuck ? A false image, a distorted
perception of a different life. Why are they there?
I struggle to stop my body shaking, as vivid images, memories,
visions, scenes, flash like snap shots entering in and out of my mind.
I am walking to my death..I am tied to a cross...
I see a male in the crowd, he is stood alone, with his hood pulled up, I
catch his gaze, he looks familiar, but I do not recognise him from
my present life. Who are you? I see another male with blonde
hair,drinking and laughing. Flames start to rise, past my ankles,
above my knees, rising higher. The crowd is singing and dancing.
I watch as my soul appears out of the flames and enter, straight into
the heart of the Sun. I disappear..
Days and nights had roll over., Now, I am left wondering...What the
frig happened there? Solitary, surrounded by the enemy.. Shape
shifters, beings, ghosts. I am stuck in a psychological romance with
a faint voice and a feuding war with another. A rejection from
heaven and a battle with hell. Which one do I need to remove.? Why
are we tied together?
My stomach makes disturbing growling noises.. What is going mixed up mind already trying to comprehend what things
mean, if they mean any thing at all.
I seem to have an unwanted attachments, I wonder if he or she or
they are poltergeists or souls, beings , I have considered the thought
of alien life or a human soul surfer. Who ever they are, where ever
they are from, they are called the unwanted guest. Body Invaders.
Quite a few use the name Grim, or they will use a family members
name or pretend to be a god or a angel.
Are they trying to fuck with my mind, so I never get confused I have
associated each voice with the name given to me by them. I have seen
some weird shit, that I cannot believe myself. but unlike my Grim
(who I am still not quite sure to who he is Faith and Trust.. Silence
is golden, but my eyes still see, the love and light once said to me).
All the other grim are just filthy pieces of shit, con men of the
spiritual world, a spiritual pest. dirty, smelly, perverted, the
underworld vile.
Questions run through my mind as I search to find logical answers.
Yet I cannot find logic in the unexplainable shit that happens. How
things unfold and come to light. Yet some things I think, I didn’t see
that coming. I constantly question my environment. The weirdness
that takes place around me. I pray under the sun, sat on earth, talking
to the ocean...I listen to the thunder, the wind and the rain. I sing to
the moon, much to my neighbours annoyance.
I am like a yo-yo, high - low, light - dark- bouncing on a spiritual
journey of different worlds, Captivated by the presence of the hidden
face. The one I have yet to meet, But then he could have stood out
side my window...I cannot make sense of what is happening to me.
Or why all those males invade my space, who all have the same first
name are appearing in my mind. Have I lived before?
I see heads everywhere,

Amy Maiden

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